Learn the Bible, deeply

Grow in your knowledge of the Bible and Christian faith
Be prepared for Christian leadership

The Bible

Study the life of Jesus and learn Christian principles from every book of the Bible

Interesting Quizzes

Test your knowledge with practice quizzes and real exams

Christian Teachers

Caring Christian leaders will guide your study

Details about your course of study

Ali is going to write this section. It can include details about the one and two year tracks. It can talk about certificates. This section should give people more concrete details about what they will learn and what they can do with it.

Learn From Faithful Followers of Jesus

These courses are taught with love, by people who have lived what you are going through.

Ali Abed – Founder

#1. Thirty Seven years of Ministry Experience

Born in Iran. Following Christ since 1985. Pastor, Church planter, Bible teacher.

#2. Teaching the Bible in Europe, Middle East and Africa

Teaching the Bible to thousands of people over Christian Satellite. Fruitful social media evangelism and discipleship.

#3. Leading a team of Disciples

Graduates of Navid College will be helping shepherd you through this course.

Training students around the world

Currently training students in Iran, Turkey, Austria, Holland, England, Germany, USA, Australia, Cyprus, Sweden, and more

What Our Students Have to Say

I loved Jesus so much more now that I have studied the Bible with Navid College. These courses taught me how much he has done for me

Kelvin Black

Navid College gives me an opportunity to study the Bible in safety. I love that I can learn God’s Word without leaving my home

Zasha Swan

I studied with Navid College because my house church was desperate for leaders. I study the Bible here so that I can share it with my friends

Frank Jones

These courses are for anyone who is ready to take their faith to the next level. Whether or not you are a leader, you will grow in your faith

Jack Brown

All of this is free, because we are honored to serve the Lord with you

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